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It is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of adversarial behavior

  • Cryptography involves converting sensitive data into a format that is unreadable for an unauthorized user


Hashing is one-way operation that produces a message digest

  • Used for message integrity, digital signatures & storing passwords

  • A salt (some random value) is added to the value before hashing it

  • Salting is important to protect against offline password attacks (e.g. Rainbow Tables)

  • Infeasible to reverse the output

  • Timing attacks can be used to hack

Hash means to chop and mix (in Culinary Terms)


const { createHash } = require("crypto");

// Create a string hash
function hash(input) {
  // returns a hash value (also called digest) of size 256-bit
  return createHash("sha256").update(input).digest("hex"); // 'base64' can also be used
  • Salting:
const { scryptSync, randomBytes, timingSafeEqual } = require("crypto");

function signup(email, password) {
  const salt = randomBytes(16).toString("hex");

  const hashedPassword = scryptSync(password, salt, 64);

  const user = { email, password: `${salt}:${hashedPassword}` };


  return user;

function login(email, password) {
  const user = users.find((v) => === email);

  const [salt, key] = user.password.split(":");

  const hashedBuffer = scryptSync(password, salt, 64);

  const keyBuffer = Buffer.from(key, "hex");

  const match = timingSafeEqual(hashedPassword, keyBuffer);

  if (match) return "login success!";

  return "login fail!";
  • Key Derivation


// the secret message is: JavaScript
md5Hash = "686155af75a60a0f6e9d80c1f7edd3e9";
shaHash = "b6e13ad53d8ec41b034c49f131c64e99cf25207a";
sha256Hash = "eda71746c01c3f465ffd02b6da15a6518e6fbc8f06f1ac525be193be5507069d";
sha512Hash =

Hash-Based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)

Hashing is used to provide data integrity

  • Message Authentication Code (MAC) is a concept of combining Message + Secret Key when calculating Digest

  • Provides Integrity and Authentication for bulk data transfer

  • Industry standard implementation of MAC: HAMC (RFC 2104)

    • A hash that requires a password (shared key)
  • Example is JWT


const { createHmac } = require("crypto");

const key = "super-secret!";
const message = "boo 👻";

const hmac = createHmac("sha256", key).update(message).digest("hex");


Encryption turns plaintext into ciphertext (and vice-versa):

  • Requires an algorithm and a key

  • Symmetric algorithms use the same key for both encryption and decryption

  • [Asymmetric] (or public key) algorithms use different keys for encryption (the public key) and decryption (the private key)

  1. Encryption At Rest
  2. Encryption Transit

Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric encryption uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt.

  • Key needs to be shared
  • Which makes it less secure

2 Types:

  • Block ciphers encrypt a fixed size of n-bits of data at a time (e.g. DES, 3DES, AES)

    • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
  • Stream ciphers encrypt 1 byte of data at a time

Block ciphers support different modes of operation:

  • Electronic Code Block (ECB):

    • Less secure than others

    • Android uses ECB by default when using AES:

      // Use
  • Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

Example: Symmetric encryption

const { createCipheriv, randomBytes, createDecipheriv } = require("crypto");

// Cipher
const message = "i like turtles";
const key = randomBytes(32);
const iv = randomBytes(16);

const cipher = createCipheriv("aes256", key, iv);

// Encrypt
const encryptedMessage =
  cipher.update(message, "utf-8", "hex") +"hex");

// Decrypt
const decipher = createDecipheriv("aes256", key, iv);
const decryptedMessage =
  decipher.update(encryptedMessage, "hex", "utf-8") +"utf-8");

  • IV stands from Initialization Vector: Prevent identical sequence of text

Asymmetric Encryption / Public-Key Cryptography

Asymmetric Encryption encrypts and decrypts the data using two separate yet mathematically connected cryptographic keys.

  • The Private Key is intended to be private so that only the authenticated recipient can decrypt the message.

  • The Public Key is shared with users how intend to encrypt the message

  • Message longer than public key cannot be encrypted using the public key. This is an important limitation.

  • HTTPS performs key exchange (using public and private keys to generate symmetric key) and then encrypt any data larger than the public key using the resulting symmetric key.


const { generateKeyPairSync } = require("crypto");

const { privateKey, publicKey } = generateKeyPairSync("rsa", {
  modulusLength: 2048, // the length of your key in bits
  publicKeyEncoding: {
    type: "spki", // recommended to be 'spki' by Node.js docs,
    format: "pem",
  privateKeyEncoding: {
    type: "pkcs8", // recommended to be 'pkcs8' by Node.js docs,
    format: "pem",
    // cipher: "aes-256-cbc",
    // passphrase: "top secret",

const { publicEncrypt, privateDecrypt } = require("crypto");

const message = "the germans are coming!";

const encryptedData = publicEncrypt(publicKey, Buffer.from(message));


const decryptedData = privateDecrypt(privateKey, encryptedData);

# using openssl to generate RSA public and private key
openssl genrsa

Encryption in Transit

  • Transport Layer Security (TLS): for end-to-end encryption (over HTTP)

  • Not only protects data from unauthorized disclosure/modification, but also provides trust of the web server to the client

  • TLS should be used everywhere

  • Diffie–Hellman key exchange

Protecting Data in Transit:

  • For iOS 9 and above:

    • Enabled by default
    • Blocks HTTP resource load
    • Uses URL Loading System (NSAppTransportSecurity) which add further transport layer checks
    • Highly recommended to disallow turning off the strict checks
  • For Android 9 and above:

    • Enabled by default
    • Blocks HTTP resource load
    • Uses SSLSocketFactory to add further transport layer checks
    • Highly recommended to disallow turning off the strict checks


Digital Signatures

const { createSign, createVerify } = require("crypto");
const { publicKey, privateKey } = require("./keypair"); // generated in Asymmetric Encryption

const message = "need for speed";

// sign
const signer = createSign("rsa-sha256");


const signature = signer.sign(privateKey, "hex");

// verify
const verifier = createVerify("rsa-sha256");


const isVerified = verifier.verify(publicKey, signature, "hex");


  • Combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography

  • Provides good compromise between performance and security

  • Symmetric Cryptography:

    • Secret key used to encrypt and decrypt data
    • Typically 128 bits in length but 256 bit is secure
    • Fast and efficient
    • Sharing the secret key is hard
  • Asymmetric Cryptography:

    • Public/Private key pairs that are mathematically related
    • Public key to encrypt data and private key to decrypt data
    • Requires minimum of 1024 bit key but 2048 bit is preferred
    • Too slow for many purposes but great for generating and exchanging session key

TLS Protocols & Cipher Suites:

Protocol VersionCipher SuitesCompliance

Digital Certificates

  • Contains the public key of the web server

  • Certificate is digitally signed by the CBA

    • Authenticity of the public key and that the owner controls the domain ("Common Name") being secured by the certificate
    • Allows clients to authenticate the web server
    • Must be a SHA-2 certificate
    • CN (Common Name) is being deprecated and will be replaced by SAN (Subject Alternate Name)
Certification Authorities
  • Validates that an entity (e.g. person, company) submitting a certificate request for a web site is authorised to do so

  • May also validate organisation information ("Extended Validation Certificates")

  • CA must be trusted by all participants

    • Internet browsers embed public certificates of recognised certification authorities
    • Organisations can embed their own RootCA as a trusted certificate. Limited to internal network only
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • PKI is about how two entities learn to trust each other to exchange messages securely.

  • Central idea of PKI is that some trusted keys can delegate their trust to other un-trusted keys.

  • Instead of just keys, certificates hold more personal information like domain name, organization, etc

  • Primarily made up of:

    • Certificate Authority (CA): An entity that issues digital certificates to websites
    • Registration Authority
    • Certificate Databases
    • Certificate Stores
    • Key Archival Servers

Breaking TLS

  • Working with rooted devices
  • Trusting any CA certificates (system or custom)
  • Accepting self-signed certificates
  • Setting permissive hostname verifier

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

  • It is a HTTP header

  • Ensures all communication are through HTTPS

  • Automatically redirects HTTP request to HTTPS (HTTP 307)

  • HSTS dose not allow a user to override the invalid certificate message

  • Warning: Once implemented cannot go back to HTTP without breaking application

  • HSTS Directives:

    • max-age: Time in seconds for browser to remember HSTS

    • includeSubDomains: HSTS rule applies to all of the site's subdomains

    • preload:

      • Good:

        • Google maintained list
        • Currently supported by all major browsers
        • Defends against first-time SSL strip attacks
      • Bad:

        • Not an official HSTS spec
        • Sending preload directive can have permanent consequences
        • Preload can only be used with adding all subdomains
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=3153600; includeSubDomains; preload

Best Practices

  • Never design your own encryption algorithm
  • Use established, public algorithms that have been tested by experts (e.g. AES, RSA, SHA256+)
Secret/Key Neededyes!-
Password Storage-yes-
Data Storage in DB/FSyes--
Web Tokens--yes

Recommended Cryptographic Algorithms:

ServiceApprovedNot Approved
Data Confidentiality (e.g. DBs, Hard Disks, Flat files, ...)AES(256+)DES, 2DES, Blowfish
Data IntegrityHMAC(128+), SHA(256+)MD5, SHA1
  • Use Argon2bi, bycrpt or sycrpt
  • Strong configuration is required
AES ModesConfidentialityIntegrityAuthenticity
AES-GCM (recommended)YesYesYes

Pinning & Certificate Transparency

"You should pin anytime you want to be relatively certain of the remote host's identity or when operating in a hostile environment. Since one or both are almost always true, you should probably pin all the time"


What to pin?

  • Certificate
  • Public Key
  • Hash

Where to pin?

  • Leaf certificate
  • Root certificate
  • Intermediate certificate

Mobile Apps:

  • Pin against the public key, or more specifically the SubjectPublicKeyInfo (SPKI)
  • key storage: Preloading, Trust on first use, Over the air pin server
  • If bricked, app update can be pushed

Web Apps:

  • Pinning happens with HPKP header (deprecated)
  • Need second key pinned that's not in current certificate chain. E.g. Backup CSR
  • If blocked or compromised, the app is blocked for users till max-age expires or user deletes pinning
  • Pinning carries very strong risks of blocking or bricking applications
  • Hard to build a pin-set that's guaranteed to work and the risk of hostile pinning
  • Very low adoption rate

Certificate Transparency

How do I trust a CA?

  • All CAs must submit certificate activity logs to CT Log services

  • CTLogs must be monitored and audited by organisation.

  • A Signed Certificate Timestamp (SCT) is generated and returned when a certificate is submitted

  • All newly issued certificates must contain SCT and all CAs in Chrome's trusted store should have CT Logs

  • Web Server can enforce browsers to check and validate SCT using Expect-CT header

    Except-CT: max-age=86400, enforce, report-uri=""
  • Chrome (Full support), Firefox (Implemented but disabled), Safari (Upcoming)

Encryption Techniques

  • Caesar cipher


  • SHA256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2)
  • RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman)
  • PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail)


  • The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography by Simon Singh (ISBN-10: 0-385-495323) (1999) (Introductory)

  • Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications by Niels Ferguson, Tadayoshi Kohno, Bruce Schneier (ISBN-13: 978-0-470-47424-2) (2010)

  • Serious Cryptography: A Practical Introduction to Modern Encryption by Jean-Philippe Aumasson (ISBN-13: 978-1593278267) (2017)

  • Password Hashing in PHP

  • Using Libsodium in PHP Projects

  • OpenSSL in PHP

  • Cryptographically Secure Pseudorandom Number Generator (CSPRNG) Or Cryptographic Pseudorandom Number Generator (CPRNG)